Saturday, September 1, 2018

DSIL - Chapter 42 Magic Materials! Master-Level Pharmacy

Chen Rui left the Chamber of Defence and did not go back to the lab. He went directly to Joseph's magic store. With the example of Fujiishi, the magic material should provide more aura. He wants to determine which specific materials may be used.

Xia has announced it yesterday, appointing him as a memorabilia, so many Mozus along the way cast a strange look, Chen Rui has long been calm, all the way to the magic store.

After the loss of air sports, Joseph left the dark moon to go to the red secret territory, the master of the magic store, is one of the great demons that Chen Rui saw behind Joseph last time, Royce.

Chen Rui learned from Sly's mouth that Royce, the female devil Vasasha and another big devil, Aroks, were one of the sharpest three sickles in Joseph's hands. Joseph never shot, and the trouble was solved by the three men, but Chen Rui knew that Joseph’s own strength was even more terrible.

Royce is not only powerful, but also intelligent. He is Joseph's most effective assistant. By contrast, Vassar's main job is to be personally guarded. This time, he returned to the Red Sealand with Joseph. Roux is a militant and is responsible for the affairs of the arena.

The arrival of Chen Rui made Royce somewhat surprised. Yesterday's air athletics Royce was also present. It is reasonable to say that the little princess should already know that Joseph wants to kill this human being. Why did he let him come here alone today?

"Royce adults." Chen Rui said hello, but Royce apparently disdain for this powerless human being, showing a arrogant color, and did not take care of it.

Chen Rui’s attitude toward the big devil was not to be embarrassed, and he said: “Master Ardas is currently refining a magical potion, so I sent him today to see a magical material.”

He knows that the identity of the memorabilia can only shock the ordinary Mozu, in the face of the strong Royce, it is not worth mentioning, or Aldas's name is easy to use.

Sure enough, Royce showed his expression and finally said: "Alchemy materials and magic materials are on this floor, and the second floor is magic equipment. You can see it yourself."

Joseph’s store is much more formal than Alice’s eccentric shop, and each item is placed on the shelf in a different way. The “treasurer” is a servant, and several dark goblins act as “shop squad”. .

Soon, Royce heard the report of the Dark Goblin, walked in and saw that Chen Rui had a piece of material for each piece. He was puzzled and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Chen Rui touched the material and took a pen record. He replied: "I want to determine the purity and specific gravity of these materials. The master said that pharmacy is a rigorous study and can't be sloppy."

Royce was a layman for pharmacy. When he saw that he had something to say, he didn’t ask any more. After Chen tried to finish it, he thought about it and came to Royce to look like a word. Finally, he said: "The master has a small request. I wanted to ask Joseph to be an adult. But unfortunately, Master Joseph has left the dark moon. Do you know if Royce can be the master?"

For Aldas, who poisoned the genius of the Emperor, Royce still did not dare to neglect: "You first say, what is the request."

"Master means that these selected materials, can not each send a small piece of debris as a sample to test, after the determination, the next bulk purchase," Chen Rui saw Royce brow wrinkles, followed by Add one sentence: "The master said that if you can agree to this request, once the magic potion test is successful, it will be sold to the magic store of Joseph adults at the lowest price."

"Excuse me, what kind of magic potion does the master test?" Chen Rui’s words caught the attention of the servant and came over. The servant is a race that is proficient in magic, so he is particularly concerned about this.

Chen Rui showed a careful appearance, looked around and determined that the darkness of the goblin was far apart, and then said mysteriously: "This involves a secret experiment, please listen to the two secrets.
The master seems to be testing a potion that greatly enhances mental power for a certain period of time without side effects. At present, it is only a trial stage, and it has encountered some difficulties in improving the purity of the medicament and reducing the side effects. Therefore, various materials are urgently needed. ”

In fact, this is just a kind of high-level pharmacy that Chen Rui has seen in pharmacy, and he has come out.

"Strong pharmacy ... no side effects?" The servant suddenly shocked, and trembled: "Is it true? Strong God Pharmacy? This is the legendary master can be configured! Master Aldas has reached this level. ?"

Chen Rui did not want to blew the cowhide and explained: "Now it is only the experimental stage. The master has failed several times and wants to adjust some materials, so I sent me here, but some of the materials here are too expensive, so Master Joseph made this request."

Anyway, for thousands of years, there must be a lot of masters who attacked the master class. When the time comes, the final failure will not end.

The expression of the servant is very excited. The "true" series of pharmacy can only be configured by the pharmacist. The demon world has not been a master for thousands of years. This pharmacy has also been lost, but it can only be seen in some classics. Aldas has always been famous. After the recent Master Challenge easily poisoned the first day of the Empire, Sandro began to reveal his ambiguity. Now he has begun to challenge the peak of pharmacy!

Even if Aldas failed many times, but the impact of the master-level pharmacy, the strength has been clearly placed there, and in case, the hidden dark elf master one day really succeeded. What?

Although Royce does not understand pharmacy, he knows what a pharmacist represents. If Aldas can really break through the bottleneck and successfully advance to the first great master of the devil world for thousands of years, then even the prince of the black prince The attitude towards Aldas himself will undergo earth-shaking changes. As for the materials selected by humans, although there are valuable things, they are insignificant compared to this.

"In this case, I promised to Master Joseph! Gruge, you immediately give the man the magic material that the master needs, and don't shard, be complete!" Royce is quite scheming. Immediately weighed the stakes, and Joseph had expressed his intention to stabilize Aldas last time, so he agreed.

"Adults are wise!" Servant Gruiji also wants to witness the possible Grand Master's debut. With a sigh, he immediately went to the shelf to pick it. Sure enough, the sorcerer selected all the complete materials with excellent quality, not Chen Rui. The "fragment".

Although Royce's "this human" is not very polite, Chen Rui is too excited at this moment, and there are still some thoughts on it: "Thank you adults! I will convey the generosity and kindness of the adults to the master!"

The original "test sample" was only a temporary idea, and I couldn't think of making a big profit. Just go back and use the aura conversion test to see which materials provide the most aura. Although many materials on the shelves of the magic store are still very hot, Chen Rui knows that it is suitable. If it is too greedy, it will be counterproductive. The most important thing is that the true and powerful pharmacy is simply horrible.

There are more than 30 kinds of these magical materials. A large group of heavy materials, Chen Rui also thanked the demon, this is pretending to be a hard-working appearance, carrying a big bag and going out.

After Chen Rui left, Royce said to Grugi: "You immediately go upstairs and contact Master Joseph with the sorcerer's stone to report the fact that Aldas is testing the master-level pharmacy to the grown-up! This must be done." Confidentiality, never leak! All actions, wait for Joseph to make a decision."

"Follow the orders." Gruggi did not dare to neglect, immediately went upstairs to do.

Chen Rui carried a big bag of shackles, suppressed the excitement, and walked all the way toward the laboratory. However, when he walked halfway, he felt that he was being stared at. Chen Rui secretly treated the big master pharmacy from Royce and Georgia. From the point of view of the attitude, it should not be sent to follow up again. It must be a small generation, and the mind will turn around and walk away in a quiet place.

The man behind him really followed, and when he walked to a secluded alley, there was suddenly a human being in front of him. The man was taken aback and carefully walked up. It was a dark goblin, wearing a small cloak. Looking around, heard a voice from behind: "What are you looking for?"

The dark goblin was shocked. When he turned around, he saw that the target of tracking was looking at himself, and the big bag was being placed underground.

"Remember... the official of the memoir!" The goblin actually took a gift and smiled.

For the first time, Chen Rui is called "adult" in human identity. It feels weird. Although the memoir is only a small knife, but in the eyes of the underlying characters of the dark goblins and the little devils, it is also a An official of civil servants.

It seems that the news of this goblin is quite well-informed. Although I don't know what the intentions are, Chen Rui naturally does not care about this role. He asks: "You follow me all the way, what do you want to do?"

The Dark Gnome saw his whereabouts early and was noticed. He was shocked and quickly defended: "The adults misunderstood! I saw that the adults are holding a lot of things and want to help. Only five white crystal coins are needed. Nunu can Help you get things to the lab."

porter? Chen Rui looked at the small body of the goblin and shook his head. "No, I can take it myself."

"Adults, five too expensive words, four can do..." The dark goblin quickly went forward, constantly cutting prices: "Two white crystal coins, no more."

As I said, this goblin suddenly waved a hand, a group of powder covered Chen Rui, Chen Rui also learned a lot of knowledge in the laboratory, smelling that this is the taste of rose flowers, can make people in a short time Losing strength, immediately loaded with the appearance of the trick, staggered and fell to the ground.

"What is the official? It's just a stupid human!" The dark goblin was overjoyed, and was about to grab the baggage. Suddenly his throat was tight, and he was already shackled. The whole skinny body was suspended and suddenly suffocated. Come, the limbs are smashing in the air.

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