Thursday, August 16, 2018

DBW - Page 15

To those few smirks with sword guards who were not kind, they gave them a glance, but they did not dare to attack.

After Sig took Aiwa to a locker room, he turned around and quickly dried up and replaced the maids. "What should I do?"

Aiwa now feels that her body is cold, but now it is the autumn season, the clothes are all soaked, and he is so cold that he is snoring.

"Take off your clothes!"

After Sieg changed his clothes, he cared about Aiwalai.

"First come with clothes?"

Aiwa was teased by Sig, and her heart was unwilling, but she couldn’t take her. After all, she was the queen’s attendant, and he could not afford it.

"Let you take off and take off, if you are not too cold, wear it on your body. I am leaving."

After that, Sieg turned and wanted to go.

"Don't... please, please get me the clothes and put them on, freeze me!"

Iva got the upper teeth and the lower teeth and started to stand. Seeing that Sig was about to leave, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Sig's hand.

"Then take off your clothes!"

Sig, the voice of the small voice, she did not want to see the body of Aiwa, but would like to experience the wonderful feelings of the manager in the new person of Aiwa, because she usually only obeys others.

Aiwa had to take off her clothes according to her orders. Anyway, she was not afraid of women. Sig's eyes only glanced at the strong body of Eva, and took over the clothes of Aiwa. Aiwa himself found a piece of cloth to dry his body, but saw that the clothes were hot in the hands of Sieg. steaming. Soon, Aiwa's clothes are completely dry, and all this is just a matter of blinking.

"so smart?"

Aiwa has never seen such a magical effort, and can't help but marvel. Sigg smiled smugly, threw the clothes back to Ava, and turned out of the room.

Aiwa followed Siegel back to the front of the ^^ king.

Seeing them, the guard captain came out from behind the queen. He looked up and down Aiwa and asked: "If you want to be a guard of your majesty, don't know what you have?"

Between the words, Aiwa already felt that the other side forced a cold, and Aiwa was too late to dodge. He had to catch hard and hard, but he thought that the coldness was carrying a huge force to attack the Ava chest. Aiwa had to fight all his strength to fight against it. The two forces slammed together, and with a bang, Aiwa was struck by the cold and hard, and then stepped back four or five steps to stabilize. If he had already prepared for the retreat, he would be hurt by that huge force.

"Hahahaha... I only used three points to force your kid to be so vulnerable, and want to protect the Queen's Majesty? You can't even protect yourself?"

The guard's captain burst into laughter, but the queen just smiled and looked at Aiwa. She knew that she had to stop her own bodyguard captain, what kind of character it was, and Aiwa was just a child.

"Rudolph, if a seventeen-year-old boy can withstand your blow, can you still be the captain?"

The Queen smiled at the guard captain. In her heart, this love tile is much more lovely than the stalwart squad leader. If it is not for her own safety needs, she is not rare that this man is staying by his side! His image is not ugly, but his temper does not appeal to Queen Sophia's favorite.

"Your Majesty, can't you let a man who is not used to stay with you? Besides, I am also good for him. If people say that the son of General Kyle is not shackled, then it is not lost. General Kyle’s face?”

Rudolph clearly wants to love the ugly, but wants to show his virtue in front of the Queen.

"I think you have said enough, Rudolph."

The Queen interrupted Rudolph very impatiently. Just now, Sieg’s teasing of Ewana was a complete joke, and Rudolph’s mentality was far from being a joke. The Queen knows very well that Rudolph is the prime minister of Groot. Hemel's people. As a bodyguard captain, he often overstepped the good words for the prime minister, Groot, which made Queen Sophia very disgusted.

When he heard the Queen’s reprimand, Rudolf was not reconciled. He asked Aiwadao: “What special strength do you have to do?”

Aiwa didn't want to keep the Queen talking for herself. She saw that Rudolph was deliberately difficult for himself. He also knew that the guard captain was not his father's family. He smiled and said: "Of course I have my specialty."

"So let's listen?"

Rudolph couldn't think of anything special about this 17-year-old boy, and he held his arms and waited for Aiwa's performance.

"I can only say to the Queen to listen!"

Aiwa’s eyes could not help but show arrogance. And this kind of look is what Queen Sophia appreciates. When Federer was awkward in the past few days, he was such a look. Seeing Eva's moving eyes, Queen Sophia couldn't help but comment. Because in front of her, she rarely, or almost never see, a confident and arrogant look like Aiwa, especially if this look is directed at the bodyguard captain, the guard captain Rudolph is not from a prestigious Mitala In the family, Queen Sophia had already taken him out of the palace. But as a queen, we must balance the power of the major families, and this Rudolph can still satisfy her is that she is loyal and unconcerned.

The words of Aiwa let Rudolph no room for refutation, because this matter directly involves the majesty of the Queen. No one dares to challenge the majesty of the Queen.

The Queen Sophia smiled, it was acquiescence, and recruited to let Ava come closer. Aiwa stepped forward and put her mouth in the ear of the Queen. "I can let this arrogant guard captain take off his pants in public, and believe it or not?"

The Queen smiled and glanced at the captain, and some did not believe it, but it aroused the great interest of Her Majesty: "Really?"

"As long as the body of the guard is not very ugly, I can let him show his body in front of the public."

Aiwa said confidently.

"Well, I would like to see what General Kyle sent you to the Eastern Empire for two years and learned what you have learned!"

The Queen smiled very beautifully, and her bright voice was full of expectations.

Aiwa retired two steps, and the fighting in the chest gathered in the palms. In a short while, a reddish cloud enveloped a space four or five feet away from him. And the guard captain Rudolph was covered in the center of the reddish cloud.

Because this cloud has the effect of stimulating sexual desire, everyone present has a sexual impulse, and because Ava has concentrated all his thoughts on Rudolph, others have not reacted much, but Rudolph has Some fainted.

Through the cover of the clouds, Aiwa released her own sex snake and quietly flew into Rudolph's clothes. The two sex snakes did not only work for women, but also had the same effect on men with strong sexual desire. . Rudolph, who was attacked by both sex snakes at the same time, felt that his favorite woman was showing off his own style, and he followed the dance.

Rudolph liked Queen Sophia very much, but because of her majesty, he never dared to think about Her Majesty, but she was a bit worried about the maids around her. Aiwa had already noticed which Rudolph had thoughts about the palace girl. He simply morphed the image of the palace girl in front of Rudolph. Rudolf fainted in less than a few minutes, and he leaned in front of him. The shadow of the non-existent palace girl rushed again and again, completely forgetting that the queen who was still inviolable was still sitting.

Under the control of Ava, Rudolph performed a sumo wrestling technique, which led the guards to laugh with the ladies, but saw him actually took off his clothes in front of the Queen.

Seeing that the guard captain was about to take off his pants, the Queen quickly ordered people to stop him. And Aiwa also put away his slutty.

The Queen certainly knows that Ava's magic has manipulated Rudolph, so she did not want to blame the loyal guard captain, but he was even more resentful because of his ugliness in public.

After Rudolph was stopped, he seemed to wake up from his dreams. He only saw the surrounding palace ladies and the guards covering each other and laughing, but they did not know what kind of foreign affairs they had just made, which seemed inexplicable.

At this point, Her Majesty finally saw the sorcerer of Aiwa, recommended by the Dragon Blood Appraisal Committee member, Miss Ruth. This sorcerer she had only heard of before, but she never saw it before. Today is an eye-opener. However, letting a teenager with a sorcerer stay aside, she is really scared. She is worried that one day if he has an attempt to himself, will he use the same method to make her queen ugly in public? If that is the case, will those who have been holding their own thrones to make waves?

"It seems that it is too wrong to make you a guard. If you are responsible for my massage, can you still?"

For the first time, Her Majesty the Queen spoke to a new person in a negotiating tone. For the other guards, it was simply dying. What a glorious job to help the Queen to kneel down! You know, which of the guards around her, who don't want to get this mess? Today, I have just let this kid who has just arrived! Ugh! It seems that Her Majesty is still a little favored by the Serbian family!

When I heard the Queen’s order, Aiva was happy, and his pride was just a flash, but even then, people who could not understand the Serbian family would be embarrassed.

"I am willing to listen to all the arrangements of Her Majesty, and the need for His Majesty is the vocation of Ava!"

In this official sentence, under the influence of his father, General Kyle, Aiwa is not unfamiliar, and he will open his mouth.

A seventeen-year-old boy actually said such a good word on such an occasion, Sophia could not help but respect his veteran Kyle. I thought, it really is the same thing!

"Well, from now on, you will be with me. I have to go back to rest!"

The Queen seems to have finished a great event. In fact, even Aiwa knows it, but it is a small accompaniment ceremony. Why bother to make such a move? If you give him the Evaga official, you don’t know how grand it is!

In fact, Aiwa did not know, the reason why the Queen made the ceremony so grand, is that he is an important member of the Serbian family, which also shows that Her Majesty’s attention to the Serbian family is deliberately done to her side. The guards and the ladies looked at it, because among the ladies and the guards, there were many members from the major families of the Haas Empire, who would bring back everything they saw around the Queen. In your own home, then spread out through the mouth of your family.

At present, the influence of the Serbian family is not the most powerful among the major families, and the Queen is in need of the family to grow up in order to compete with other families in order to ensure the stability and security of the imperial regime. If the power of a certain family is too strong, it will threaten the status of the queen. The Queen is making this threat to a minimum by virtue of her ability to balance.

The sun was getting more and more blazing, and the huge parasol on the top of the Queen was covered with a cool shower. In addition to the guard captain and a few close-fitting ladies, Rudolph and the head of the palace, Qiongxi, were tightly guarded by the Queen, and the rest returned to their original positions. If you rely on strength, as long as the Queen has these two people, the general situation can be dealt with, even if the other party is a master of the Empire.

Aiwa is at a loss, and now he is not even clear about his specific work. Seeing his stupid appearance standing there, the Sigg who teased him secretly smiled. Although before the love of the Valais, the ladies discussed to tease the newcomer, but now she fell in love with the boy, but she still does not know whether the Queen likes or dislikes the love tile, if the Queen intends to take love If they are male, then they can only blink.

"Don't go, just follow me."

Siegel said that she took Ava's clothes and now she regrets changing his body shape when he changes clothes in the room.

Joan West accompanied the Queen into her lounge, and Rudolph stayed outside the main hall to take charge of the outside. Here is his scope of responsibility. If someone breaks into the hall, Rudolph can't escape the blame. And if there is a problem in it, it is the responsibility of Qiongxi, so the duties of Qiongxi and Rudolph are very clear.

Aiwa didn't know where she was, and she could only follow the arrangement of the maid who had teased him. Aiwa is also very curious about this palace lady who can dry his clothes by hand. He really didn't think that such a humble woman would have such a skill. Now she can appreciate her beautiful figure and charm from behind her.

"Where should I stand?"

Aiwa couldn't help but ask, anyway, he knew that without the Queen's order, he couldn't just walk into the Queen's Lounge.

"Just stand here."

Sig pointed to the side of the Queen's Lounge door. Iva stood there obediently. "The body has to stand up straight and can't think of the Queen!"

Siegel stepped forward and corrected the position for Aiva, but her little hand was very dexterously gripped on the male between Ava. Her face was red, and she was a little bit flattering in her shy eyes.

The object of Aiwa was gripped by Sieg, and it bounced like a reflexive sensation. Instead, she stunned Sig, who was playing the love tile. She quickly jumped to the other side of the door.

"Hey, if you like to play this, I will let you play for a while!"

Avatar’s singer smiled.

Siegner’s eyes seemed to say, “Speak and count?”

But for this love tile that saw her as a little girl, she thought to herself: "Look at me, don't kill you!"

As it turns out, as the Queen’s attendant, both Aiwa and Sig have no private time to play together. In addition to working hours, two people can stand on the same door and be alone. No one can be alone with the rest of the time. get along.

Aiwa and Sig are standing at the door of the Queen for a week.

There are no more people in this corridor, only two of them, and Qiong Xi has always accompanied the Queen in her presence. She is also the commander of the Queen. What the Queen has commanded is conveyed through the mouth of Joan West.

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