Wednesday, August 15, 2018

DBW - Page 4


Iva asked incomprehensible.

"Nothing, now. There is a clear difference between your dragon's blood and the ordinary dragon's blood, but I can't remove you from the dragon's blood family. If you like, I can recommend you to the Queen's Guard. A cavalry, of course, with your handsome looks, can serve as the honor guard of Her Majesty. Just... I think that has somewhat wronged you."

"Let's take your place, Miss Ruth. I... can you go?"

Aiwa just jumped out of bed after a little movement.

Ruth wrote another line on another letterhead, folded it and handed it to Ava's hand. "With my recommendation letter, the Queen's Guard Captain may have you in his team."

Ruth looked at Ava.

"Miss Ruth will not want me to go to see the Queen's Guard captain in such a naked body?"

Ruth smiled and swayed to Sally. Sally immediately took Ava's clothes. His clothes were thrown aside, not as neatly folded as Ruth.

Under Sally's service, Aiwa put on his clothes, but he couldn't buckle the clothes because his muscles had increased a lot before he came here, and some places were cracked. .

"Like this, you wait a moment here, I let the tailor come and give you a new set."

Ruth said.

"This is almost the same."

Sally went out to find someone to call the tailor. Ruth walked in front of Ava, and Aiwa did not evade, letting Ruth's slender fingers once again entangled in his roots.

"You guys are big, just plug me in. I told you, have you only practiced this hand in the Eastern Empire in the past two years?"

Her slender jade fingers slid in his thick and light squats, and her strength was just right, and her rich breasts stalked the breasts of Ava, and the dark blue eyes were obsessed with looking at Aiwa. The same dark blue eyes, the breath in the mouth gently across the face of Ava.

"I am learning defensive ability, this is just my hobby."

Aiwa does not want to be used as a plaything for women. His ideals are not as big as his father, Kyle, but he also wants to build a career. Just now Ruth said that she would introduce herself to the Queen's Guards as a singer. Although she looks decent and can often witness the Queen's style, she must not be free. However, the current Aiwa still dare not complain about the female military doctor of this major rank, and she will have unexpected troubles when she is slightly angry.

She picked up her toes, took Ava's head, kissed his lips, and the tongue slid open his teeth and got into it, but she just took a few hooks on Aiwa's tongue and took it back. She doubled. The hand stroked on the muscular body of Ewana, and the body slowly slid down.

She first rubbed her face on the high-quality jade column of Eva, then opened her mouth and put it into her mouth, and looked up at Ava, the long eyelashes tilted up slightly from the top. Looking down, Ruth is so charming and charming, totally unlike a school-level officer. She let Ava's thick and deep into her throat. If you change the ordinary woman, as long as the big glans is inserted into the throat, there must be a feeling of vomiting, but Ruth is different. She is a member of the standard dragon blood family, and she has extraordinary characteristics for her body and various organs. Self-control ability.

But Aiwa is still very worried about not going deeper, although the feeling is quite exciting, he slowly pulled out. Ruth seemed to feel the fear of Aiwa. She spit out the one that had a blue violent violent temper, stood up, and had two legs that were differentially divided into the lower body. This time, she is no longer eager, but gently turns her hips, so that the love of the tile is in her crunchy meat hole or light or heavy grinding. Gradually, the small mouth in her hole opened again, swallowing the head of Ava and holding it tightly.


While Ruth's body was turning, her breasts were rubbing against Aiva's chest. However, Ruth's rhythm was getting faster and faster, and her cockroaches became a cock. At this time, Aiwa felt that there was a heat flow in Ruth's body, which was led by her own thick meat stems.

Like last time, Aiwa once again felt that there seemed to be a huge amount of power in her body. At this time, Ruth also had a feeling, she clearly realized that the energy that had just gathered up in her body disappeared from her undercast unknowingly!

Ruth suddenly got her butt back, and quickly separated from Aiva's body, pushing Ava.

"Your boy is stealing my energy?"

Ruth looked at Ava with her eyes guarded.

"I, I didn't mean it..."

Aiwa stuttered. In fact, he did not consciously absorb the energy in Ruth's body, but unconsciously sucked the energy of Ruth into the body while running the genital surgery.

This kind of genital surgery will make his own vindictiveness rotate rapidly. If he does not encounter external force, it can only rotate itself. Once it encounters energy higher than himself, it will naturally absorb the external energy. Go to the track in which it runs and turn that energy into its own. This is similar to current, and the high voltage naturally flows to a low voltage.

Ruth added a few strengths because she did not defeat Aiwa’s heart in the last round of engagement, revealing her ability to attack the fourth-order field, and this coincides with the sorcerer that Aiwa has just run, so her energy It quickly flowed into the body of Aiwa.

However, Ruth is still very accurate in estimating the ability of the current Iva domain. He does not have the ability to reach half of her. When she thinks of it, her original nervous mood has suddenly relaxed.

"Kid, this lady tells you the truth, just because of your current level, you can't directly convert my energy into your ability. Do you understand? Ability and energy are two completely different concepts, you can get from me. The body absorbs my energy, but if you want to convert my energy into your ability, you still need to constantly run your vindictiveness. Otherwise, my energy will pose a threat to you in your body."

Ruth solemnly warned Ava.

"I, I have no other meaning, but I want to use my kinky techniques to make you live faster."

Aiwa does not want to anger this beautiful major. His eyes fixed on Ruth's plump breasts. He really wanted to grab the two breasts and take two more. Although there is no milk, the taste of the hard nipple in the mouth is quite wonderful. .

“Just plastic makes me happy? Really?”

Ruth came back again, a hand picking up Ava's beautiful chin, and using her knees to lick his long, hard little brother.

"Really, I swear to Queen Sophia, Miss Lucy is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. If you can't make Miss Ruth happy, it means that I am a useless man."

"Then I can tell you very responsibly, my love, this lady is already happy enough, do not need your kinky skills!"

Ruth turned and dressed to restore her serious expression.

At this time, Sally came in with a female tailor.

Although Aiwa likes a beautiful woman, when the seamstress took a tape measure with a shyness and measured it on his naked body, he still felt a little embarrassed. The long cock would come to the seamstress from time to time, especially when the seamstress circled his hands and measured his waistline, his musket was in the cleavage of the seamstress.

The third words provoke the stepmother

After the tailor's out of the military hospital, Aiwa also came out of Ruth's lab and got on his carriage.

Ruth stood at the window and squatted by the window. When Ava was on the bus, his long, maroon hair was picked up by the wind, like a beautiful satin. His strong posture made Ruth feel uncomfortable. This is the first boy who has made her feel. She has a hunch that a boy with a specific dragon blood will definitely have an extraordinary creation in the future. If he can concentrate on his practice, he should easily become a The general, in the far future, perhaps he will be in charge not only the military power of Montras but the army of the entire empire.

"This kid has a real deal with women!"

Ruth's mouth glimpsed, revealing a smug smile that was not easily seen.

Ava's carriage quickly disappeared into Ruth's line of sight, and Ruth turned back from the window, pulled the drawer, and took out a pair of brand new black lace stockings.

"Master Ava is back!"

The waiters and the maids saw the carriage of Ava, and they were excited to report to Master Kyle.

"My good son, what about the old ghost of Shelf?"

General Kyle rushed out of his room, and he first looked at his son's face. From the face of Eva's excitement, Kyle felt that there should be good news.

Aiwa walked to Kyle and handed the identification report that Ruth wrote to him to the recommendation book and handed it to his father.

"Special Dragon Blood? What does this mean?"

Looking at the words of the dragon and phoenix dance on the appraisal report, General Kyle was somewhat inexplicable. I saw his brow locked and looked up at his son.

Ava, while dispelling the collar of the new clothes, fell his body into a large leather sofa and reached for a cup of dairy drink handed by a maid. He didn't care what was written on the appraisal report, he was eager to vent some of the two beautiful women. Although both are passive, the pleasure is still there.

"I don't know, should it be more blood than dragon blood?"

Aiwa did not answer his father’s question, and took a drink first. He felt that he needed to add some water. He was almost drained by the two women. But he didn't feel tired. After all, he absorbed a lot of energy from the two different levels of women in the two crosses, but he is still a little excited now.

Old Kyle was equally excited. He was attracted by the identification report and the paper recommendation letter. He did not even notice that his son’s body had changed greatly during this visit. When I went out, I was still a weak boy. When I came back, I became very tall. Now I love the tile and I feel a little crowded when I sit on the sofa.

"Son, this is the personal letter from Miss Ruth?"

General Kyle did not quite believe his eyes. You know, although Ruth is lower than his position, in the field of blood identification, Ruth has a reputation. Otherwise, when he went to the hospital, how could he not only dare to be too arrogant to Ruth.

"Nothing wrong, I saw her with my own eyes!"

Aiwa proudly said. His pride is not unrelated to Ruth's lasciviousness in front of him. Unfortunately, he is passive, and Ruth is active. This makes the heart of Aiwa somewhat tangled. But Aiwa swears in her heart that one day, he will definitely get this face back!

"Oh, my son is a good man! Hey, special dragon blood!"

Old Kyle whispered in his mouth, his face could not help but smile, and the smile made his face not too old to wrinkle.

"Come, prepare a car, I will go see the Queen!"

Old Kyle took a picture on his son's shoulder and hurried out of the hall. Soon, a carriage drove to the center of the compound, and the old Kyle flew to the car. At this moment, he felt that he was ten years younger.

A crisp whip, the carriage rumbled out of the official residence of General Kyle.

The Haas Empire has three major military towns: the city of Tara, in the east, Hobfield in the south, and the city of Monttras in the middle. Monttras is the head of the three major military towns of the Haas Empire, with three-fifths of the military power of the Empire, and General Kyle is the military leader of the city of Monttras. However, in order to guarantee the supreme power and stable dominance of the Queen, the military leaders of the three major military towns do not directly grasp the mobilization power of the garrison. Only when there is a war, these three military leaders can transfer troops, and usually The command of the army is in the hands of the Queen.

The Royal Palace is located in the heart of the city.

Far away, you can feel the majesty and style of the palace. At this time, it is close to dusk. At the beginning of the palace, the lanterns are filled with orange.

When the carriage was several tens of meters away from the gate of the palace, General Kyle got off the bus. It was originally in front of Shelf, and I didn’t know where to go. He sorted out his general uniform, but he suddenly felt that it was a bit of a rash to come to the Queen at this time.

Standing there, he hesitated and decided to return to the original road without disturbing Her Majesty.

When General Kyle turned and got into the car, he saw a group of people surrounded by the queen from the garden on one side. It was only a few ten meters away from the gate of the palace.

"Whose who is the carriage?"

When the Queen saw a luxury carriage outside the gate of the palace, she couldn't help but ask the followers around.

"That seems to be General Kyle?"

A follower replied.

"It looks like something is happening. Why don't he come in and see me?"

The queen stopped and looked out the gate.

General Kyle had already seen the Queen and his party, and he had to stand there and marry the Queen.

"General Kyle, please come in!"

A waiter called.

General Kyle was very nervous and stepped into the palace and came to the Queen.

"Your Majesty!"

General Kyle was respectful and almost did not dare to look up and see the Queen squinting. The momentum of the rush had suddenly disappeared.

This is the majesty of the Queen. In fact, Queen Sophia is quite beautiful, the deep scorpion, the golden hair, and the sturdy body are already very poor, and then combined with her beautiful appearance and majesty, no one can rival.

"What's the matter, why don't you come in and talk?"

The Queen’s loyalty to General Kyle has never been a bit skeptical, and General Kyle has never relied on the old and the old in front of the Queen. Therefore, the Queen has always been very important to General Kyle. Seeing that the old general was hesitating outside the palace gate, she guessed that he must have something to report.

"In fact, there is nothing... just the old minister is happy today, he could not help but come here..."

Because the Queen is surrounded by many palace ladies and attendants, the old generals are not convenient to tell their own things. The more important reason is that the word "specific dragon blood" in the appraisal book has never been seen. If the queen can't approve it, isn't the special word equal to the negation of dragon blood? If he can't get the Queen's reply today, he is afraid that he can't sleep. In order to guide the Queen to take the special word into the benefits, but also to the benefits, so he only said in front of his own happy, and in fact his heart is worried.

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