Sunday, August 12, 2018

DSIL - Chapter 7 Reading Mind? Alice's Blood Talent

Depression. This is Chen Rui’s first impression of Crescent City.

I don’t know if the city of Devil is like this. Including the palace, most of the buildings in Crescent City look old and old. There are fewer shops and stalls to buy and sell. The Mozus who are seen along the way are not ugly, but Most of them are worn out, and the whole city is full of dilapidated and desolate atmosphere.

The appearance of the Mozu makes Chen Rui feel scared. If his human identity is exposed, even if it is not eaten, it must be a small life.

"Hey! That guy, the waist is straight, the feet don't get too tight, the shoulders are relaxed!" Alina's voice interrupted Chen Rui's thoughts. "You are still a man, we are a member of the Wells family." Children are much better than you!"

In fact, Chen Rui said that he is still a virgin, not a man in the true sense, but at this moment his posture is indeed a bit weird, is squatting on the back of the triangle rhinoceros, hands clasping the wide back shell I was afraid that I accidentally fell down and was beaten by this monster.

"Sorry, I am sitting on this big guy for the first time." Chen Rui originally thought about how the world didn't have anything like a horse saddle, just like a plagiarism invention. I know that Alice's triangle rhinoceros is equipped with The whole set of saddle equipment - the original is different treatment.

"The first time I don't need to clamp so tight! The legs are loose!" Alina scolded.

Little Loli didn't really understand or fake, and kindly persuaded: "Alina, don't be so anxious, for the first time, of course, it will be clamped."

This sentence almost did not let Chen Rui fall from the triangle rhinoceros. Many of the Mozu people along the way discovered his strangeness and pointed out a little bit. Fortunately, Chen Rui wore a cloak. The identity of human beings was not exposed for a while, only individual The Mozu, who is particularly sensitive to the smell, has a doubtful color. There are little princesses and Athena, no one dares to approach.

When I arrived at the gate, the four-headed rhinoceros was stopped.

"His Royal Alice, where are you going?" The male rhinoceros wearing a armor is a tall, strong, red-skinned man with two huge corners on his head. Deep, the body exudes a fierce momentum, from the appearance, is a big devil.

"It turned out to be General Sergeant Allen. Today, I personally inspected it." Alice smiled slightly: "We are going to Blue Lake."

General Allen frowned. "The blue wave lake is a little bit late. I am worried that the sleeping dragon is out of order. I have sent a scout to investigate. Your Royal Highness Alice will wait until he is sure of safety and then go there to play."

"The poisonous dragon has been sleeping for thousands of years, and there is the strongest light and dark lock of the White Night Emperor, so there is no problem at all." Alice pointed to Chen Rui, "I will not go to play this time... This It was the new apprentice of Master Aldas. The master asked me to take him to Lake Bluebo to collect some herbs."

In the two branches of alchemy, if the maker gives a feeling of "respect", the pharmacist is "respect", people are more afraid of poisons and negative drugs, but ignore its healing and gain. Effect.

The key words of a pharmacist are usually mysterious, horrible, and incapable of provoke. Aldas is such a representative. The lab often screams the screams of the testers. Even if it is the guard of the palace, he dare not approach. I really don’t understand how His Royal Highness Princess will place such dangerous characters in the palace. The outer court.

Such a mysterious and horrible pharmacist actually took an apprentice. Allen was very curious about the sacredness of this apprentice. Only then did he look at his eyes and his eyes suddenly became sharp. At this time, Alice just let Chen Rui take off the cloak. .

"This is the last human being caught by us!" A soldier behind Allen screamed, and all kinds of hostile eyes were concentrated. Chen Rui kept his scalp and kept a natural look. Disappointing from the forehead.

Allen found Chen Rui’s identity earlier than the soldiers.
He remembered that when he reported to the princess, the master Aldas was there, and he personally asked the man to take it away as an experimental product. Now such a prisoner, or a slave, has actually become a master apprentice?

Alice said to Allen if nothing happened: "This human name is Chen Rui. Because of his talent in pharmacy, he has now been accepted as a formal apprentice by Master Aldas. Later, he will be part of our New Moon City. It is."

Athena added impatiently: "This is what I said to my master, Alice, today. If you still have to question, you may want to ask Master Aldas directly!"

"Athena, sorry, I don't mean this, I..."

General Allen’s attitude towards Athena was a bit strange. If he hadn’t finished it, he was interrupted by Athena: “Allen, your questioning should be over, don’t delay the time we took the herbs!”

Athena’s blunt attitude made Allen feel helpless and said to Alice: “Little Princess, just in case, I will send a team of soldiers to protect you.”

Alice asked with a smile: "Are you worried that Athena can't protect me?"

A Sina's exquisite eyebrows were picked, and the red dragonfly flashed sharply. Allen quickly shook his head and looked at Chen Rui's gaze a little more chill: "Human! Don't try to escape or play tricks, otherwise I Will crush your bones."

After Allen finished, he showed up to the little princess and showed his release.

The four triangular rhinos left the city gate with a heavy footstep. In the Darkmoon City, the news that Master Aldas received a human apprentice spread quickly.

"Actually, I think Alan is quite good. My family status is right for you." Alice smiled and looked at Athena: "If he doesn't cross you and asks you directly to your family, you may not have been like this." Resent him."

Athena said disdainfully: "I didn't like him originally! This guy is timid and incompetent. By relying on the power of the Karon family to become a sheriff, he will only bully the weak and have no real ability."

The "weakness" on the side is heard. There is such a gossip. It is no wonder that the violent woman’s attitude towards General Allen is like an enemy.

"The last time I went to the rainy jungle, I must have a small report to the princess. I hate this kind of person," Athena sneered. "I still want to hit my idea? I asked the sword in my hand and said it!"

"Yes, Athena is mine, no one can take it." Xiao Loli laughed happily. "Let's speed up!"

The triangle rhinoceros began to accelerate, and it is hard to believe that this rapid speed was initiated by such a huge body. For Chen Rui, who has no auxiliary tools on the rhinoceros, it is undoubtedly a torment. He can only squat on it with a slap in the face, and almost fell down several times. Athena was too troublesome, and he changed his mount. When the violent woman was running at high speed, she could only write a suit.

Compared to the sunny ground world in Arthur's memory, the environment of the devil is much worse. The light source comes from two "stellars" in the sky. It is said to be a "star", but its light and heat intensity is far less than the sun on the earth. More often, it is covered by the clouds of smoke in the air. In the evening, they became the "moon" again, emitting lavender ice and glory, and the temperature difference at night was very large.

Along the way, you can see huge pits formed by long-term corrosion. The dark and mysterious unknown caves, together with the strange plants, form a beautiful landscape with dark tones.

The blue lake is huge in size and surrounded by mountains. The environment is particularly quiet, the water is blue, the lakeside plants are flourishing, and the flowers are beautiful, like a paradise in the dark world.

However, Chen Rui quickly learned from Alice's mouth that the reason why the lake is blue is because there is a huge adult poison dragon sleeping at the bottom of the lake. The venom on the body dyes the lake blue, and there is no living thing in the lake. . The lush green flowers and trees on the lakeside are mostly highly toxic, and there are some delicate flowers and even carnivorous species. The beautiful and attractive appearance is derived from the flesh of the prey.

The power of the dragon is quite terrible, especially the rare dragons who are poisonous, which can make a city's population completely extinct, so no one dares to provoke it easily. This poisonous dragon has been sleeping in the lake for thousands of years. Just four hundred years ago, the rebellion occurred in the dark moon territory. The first strongest person in the demon world, the White Night Emperor, led the army and did not dare to awaken the poison dragon when passing through the Blue Wave Lake. In order to let it continue to sleep, it also deliberately set a seal of light and dark lock.

"There is a law in the devil world, the more beautiful things are often the more dangerous."

Chen Rui took a deep impression of Alice's words, and quietly added a sentence to her, the same is true of the witch.

Super cute little princess, maid of the sorcerer, heroic swordsman, which one is not a dangerous person?

After all, the sleeping dragon in the lake is not a display. Athena is not too close to the little princess. She carefully chooses a safe mountain. She can see the wide lake and look good.

"I haven't been to Blue Wave Lake for a long time, Athena, remember the last time?" Alice said with great enthusiasm: "It's hard to come, let's have another picnic."

Athena slightly hesitated: "Alan, the guy didn't say that Blue Lake has a strange shape recently? Or pick the fruit and go back soon."

"Do you really believe Alan's coward?" Alice shook her head in disapproval: "If you invite him to come, he will immediately say that the poison dragon has been eliminated, and Blue Lake is more than their bathroom." Safety."

"I won't invite that kind of hateful guy!" Athena snorted, and she agreed with Alice's statement. "Well, I'm going to pick Pygmy fruit, I'm going to get some prey. Hey. , human, you and Alice are here to arrange it."

In fact, Chen Rui wanted to try to use the poisonous flowers to improve the progress of the super system, but considering the horrible piranha and the big BOSS in the lake, the idea was immediately extinguished.

After Jiya and Athena left, Alice directed Chen Rui to work. The bracelet on her wrist was a space device that could store items. However, the quality level should not be very high. The space inside was not big. It’s full. As a result, as soon as the space entrance was opened, a bunch of things fell out, followed by a whole lot.

Chen Rui had to help her to clean up, and the result was accidentally "picked up" into a pile of underwear, some of which were actually large-size laces, Chen Ruiyi, the first reaction is actually the world already has this stuff, second The reaction is that this size and the little loli have not fully developed a certain part of the complete mismatch, is Alice a legendary "control"?

Under Alice's murderous gaze, Chen Rui pretended not to see the pile of things, and went back to clean up other objects. When he turned around, the pile of things had disappeared.

Alice's storage space is quite complete, Soon, a full set of picnic utensils have been cleaned up, it seems that this little loli is ready to play at any time.

At this time, Athena and Jiya have not returned, and Alice has taken care of none of them and walked over to Chen Rui step by step. Chen Rui was nervous for a moment and asked: "Little princess, what else is there?"

"The story is not like this," Alice said with a strange smile. "You should say, don't come over, come over and call me! Then I will say, even if you call your throat, no one will come to save you!" ”

Chen Rui only felt the black line hanging from his head and rolled his eyes. He asked: "Then I called 'breaking my throat and breaking my throat.' So the guy named 'Nobody' came to save me?"

Alice reveals the color of surprise: "The original human world also has the book "Devil and Princess."

Chen Rui smiled incomprehensibly. Without a chance, it seems that many things are common, regardless of face or race.

But then he couldn't laugh, because Alice said: "Tell this princess a good story, just like the last time in the wild world, the imagination is quite rich."

Chen Rui heard his heart pounding and argued: "That is not a story, but a real thing! If I don't inherit the thoughts of Master Wukong, how can I make Huarong Road and Kong Mingsuo?"

"The people tell you a secret, even Athena doesn't know." Alice said in a mysterious voice, saying: "When I first met you, people just awakened the Lucifer family. A special blood talent, called mind reading, and ... accidentally tried it for you."

Chen Rui’s heart was shocked and he couldn’t speak for a while.

Careless your sister!